Our Passion

We love to come alongside, equip, and renew entrepreneurs and their companies:

to make their lives easier and companies more profitable, so that they can impact their world for good!

Our Process

We have identified
4 key elements of business

used in our unique, core process
The Next Level Navigator TM

Intigro's Next Level Navigator

By applying our financial insights, strategic mindset and people discernment

We grow entrepreneurs and their companies from
the inside out to reach new heights!

Our Services

“Intigro’s expertise is how to do business ~ growing companies and profits.”

Business Building Sessions

We focus on YOUR burning issue!

We can help break barriers to growth, simplify complex business issues, explain what works & more.

Plus, these sessions are great for:

~ Business Mentor

Virtual CFO

The Next Level Navigator

Outsource CFO

(Chief Financial Officer)

We bring innovative financial leadership to a company based on our years of proven results of growing companies and increasing profits.

We have 3 levels of engagement:

Virtual CFO via video conferencing and cloud computing providing CFO expertise on an “as needs” basis.

~ Part-time CFO for those one off projects that need the expertise of a CFO.

~ Outsource CFO for those longer term engagements that require an onsite presence.

Book a Biz Building Session!


Using our core process:

The Next Level Navigator

We integrate strategy into the leadership and culture of companies, so they can reach their Next Level.

It’s available through:

~ Our book: Dear Mr. A

Business Building Sessions

Strategic Off-sites

What if you met a person of profound wisdom, a SAGE? How valuable would that be?

Secrets of a successful entrepreneur book- Dear Mr. A by George Black

Get Your Copy for only $9.95!

Entrepreneurs need encouragement, insight and frankly, a mentor. Mr. A does all that and more for Max, a young entrepreneur just starting out.

However, the real beneficiary of this riveting correspondence is the readerFor you see, Mr. A is a sage, not the aromatic plant, but rather a profoundly wise man. Thus, the reader can benefit from his business acumen and the strategy process he reveals.

In Part 3, Mr. A takes Max through The Next Level NavigatorTM, Intigro’s core strategy process for any company to break through barriers and reach new heights, new growth and profits. In fact, it was The Navigator that Rackspace (NYSE: RAX), the #1 managed cloud company, used to help it achieve its ranking.

In reality, Dear Mr. A is thousands of dollars worth of business consulting crammed into a $9.95 book!   Learn More →

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