How is your company financially led?


 Companies succeed because they are great at what they do, and typically not so good at the financial side of business.

Most companies do not need a full-time Chief Financial Officer [CFO]; however, they do need great financial leadership on a part time basis. Our Outsource / Part-Time CFO services are tailored to come alongside companies with just the right financial expertise for the amount of time they need.

Some examples of CFO leadership that Intigro delivers is:

  • Providing financial strategies to increase profits and build net worth.
  • Installing new financial processes and metrics.
  • Financially managing a significant growth or rebound phase.
  • Strategizing and negotiating a new round of financing.
  • Leading the financial aspects of a company’s expansion or acquisition.
  • Providing deeper understanding of the financial information to the leadership.

Every company’s needs are unique, however these 7 elements are common to each Intigro engagement:

  1. Know the Entrepreneur / Owner / Leadership:  We work directly with the top leadership to have a clear understanding of who they are, where they are leading the company, and what they are desiring to accomplish.
  2. Integration:  We assimilate into the leadership in the role of a consulting CFO during our engagement to help the company breakthrough to its Next Level.
  3. Understanding Work Flows:  We want to know your company’s key operations and processes. We go behind the financial numbers and metrics, so we can provide great analysis and leadership to increase profits.
  4. Empowering Leadership:  We provide the leadership a deeper financial understanding and tools with which to better lead their company.
  5. Clarity and Candor:  We are forthright – making the complex, easy to understand; especially the financials.
  6. “Multi-Lingual”:  We speak “bank”, “investor”, “legal”, “IT”, “accounting”, and even “tax”, which enables us to help a company navigate the in’s and out’s of business and any of the company’s support professionals.
  7. Your Advocate:  We have no “turf” to protect or bias towards any particular professional advice. Our only agenda is for you and your company to succeed and reach its Next Level.

Contact Us to book a Virtual CFO Session Today!