“More than just a business book for entrepreneurs!
I know it will help me grow as a small business owner to become even more successful. ” ~Jason P.

Entrepreneurs need encouragement, insight and frankly, a mentor. Mr. A does all that and more for Max, a young entrepreneur just starting out.

However, the real beneficiary of this riveting correspondence is the reader of Dear Mr. A. For you see, Mr. A is a sage, not the aromatic plant, but rather a profoundly wise man. Thus, the reader can benefit from his business acumen and the strategy process he reveals to Max.

Dear Mr. A is a book for entrepreneurs. Well actually, it’s a book for anyone with an entrepreneurial itch, anyone who has ever thought there is better way to do “that“. It’s for anyone who wants to grow and become better.

In Part 3 of the book Mr. A takes Max through The Next Level NavigatorTM, the core strategy process used by Intigro to help any company (from startups to well established companies) break through barriers to reach new heights, new growth and profits. In fact, it was The Navigator that Rackspace (NYSE: RAX), the #1 managed cloud company, used to help it achieve its ranking.

In reality, Dear Mr. A is thousands of dollars worth of business consulting crammed into a $9.95 book! That’s why this book is for entrepreneurs, especially those who are just starting out, like Max.

Yet, beyond the business strategy process Mr. A guides Max in negotiating the ups and downs of life by way of letters that span 5 years. We all know that life does not occur in a vacuum. There are joys and tragedies, setbacks and victories; and so it is with Max.

Set in the 1940’s, World War II breaks out and Max’s life is disrupted. Through it all, Mr. A helps him explore his desires, disappointments and passions while revealing entrepreneurial secrets that range from creativity to organization to strategy.

To inspire and guide the reader to greater success, there are brief exercises sprinkled between letters to apply Mr. A’s mentoring to Max; thereby mentoring the reader, as well. Many who have done these exercises describe how their plans have become more real and thus, more achievable.

Whether you are a person who is just starting out in business, a seasoned entrepreneur, or person who enjoys a great story of self discovery; the understanding Mr. A brings to Max will delight and benefit all.

Book Excerpts

Knowing the future? 

August 23, 1941

Dear Mr. A:

You are an inspiration to me!   Even though you don’t know me, I feel like I know you after reading many accounts of your entrepreneurial successes and failures.

Your story has captivated me:  beginning with your humble start… to becoming a leading force in the telecommunications industry…

I do have a job at a grain company, but my problem is that I would prefer to chart my own course, rather than work as a part of another person’s vision; even though it could mean more risk and less predictability…

The reason I am writing you is that I would like to become an entrepreneur, but do not know where to begin.  Don’t worry, I am not looking for a job or capitalization or contacts or anything like that.

I imagine you must be very busy, but I would greatly appreciate you taking a moment to answer one question…

…How did you know the future?  Or, to ask it another way…
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September 20, 1941

Dear Mr. North:

I was intrigued by your letter of August 23rd,  and so I desired to reply personally causing a delay in my response for which I apologize.

Many people are curious about my success…  However, your enigmatic question:  “how did I know the future?” is rare.  …for it goes far beyond the transience of success to the depths of authenticity…

At the outset I must confess that I am not the great visionary you suggest, rather I  was armed only with a hunch and a desire that became the seeds of a dream.  Permit me to explain.

Your question implies that perhaps I was standing high on some mountain overlooking the vast future potential of communications, and I charted my course, accordingly…

It all began, as a 16-year-old sitting alone in a small telegraph office at the railway station in the little town of Tescott, Kansas. Little clicks would come over the telegraph machine…
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That’s it?

September 25, 1941

Dear Mr. Aureliano:

Thank you so much for personally responding to my letter and your kind words…

After reading  and rereading your letter, I simply must tell you that I remain confounded by your answer to my question:  “dreams”?

I do not mean to sound impertinent, but the only way I can express my incredulity is:  “That’s it?”  That’s how you knew the future?  That is how you began as an entrepreneur?

Frankly, I was expecting something more elaborate – more complicated – well…, more sophisticated.  (I hope that does not offend you; but I need to be honest about my reaction.)  I mean anyone can dream, can’t they?

…Unlike you, my dreams are small – if you can even call it a dream.  So my question is: How does a person dream big?  Or, to put it another way what holds someone back from dreaming such big dreams…

Reviews from Readers

Feedback for our Book: “Dear Mr. A – Letters revealing the secrets of an entrepreneur”

Rated 4.8 out of 5 based on 17 customer reviews

About the book: Dear Mr. A offers important entrepreneurial advice in the easily digested format of letters between an aspiring entrepreneur and his mentor. Sage-like business advice and exercises to help you take your business to the Next Level.

Dear Mr. A – Letters revealing the secrets of an entrepreneur
~ Spencer Reynolds
Reviewed: 04/28/2014
I always had an idea of what I wanted to do in the big picture, but it was just an idea. This book helped me to not only crystallize that idea into a real world plan, but also helped me to understand why I wanted to and should do it. The exercises identify what is uniquely important to you, and do so in a way that makes your biggest dream a real world adventure, complete with a plan of action. I couldn’t be happier with this purchase.
5 / 5 stars


Dear Mr. A – Letters revealing the secrets of an entrepreneur
~ Keith Ditta
Reviewed: 04/21/2014
Provides great step-by-step processes used to execute/implement any entrepreneurial en devour that anyone has a passion for. It shows one how to deal with disruptions, develop strategies, and think outside the box.
4 / 5 stars
Dear Mr. A – Letters revealing the secrets of an entrepreneur
~ Micah Shane Barge
Reviewed: 04/11/2014
I own a business and this book really helped me out. I own a LLC and I am wanting to grow. The exercises in this book made me think of how i could grow and what kind of barriers could be in my way. It made me think strategically of how to go forward into the future. Thanks to this book i know how to make my business better.
5 / 5 stars


Dear Mr. A – Letters revealing the secrets of an entrepreneur
~ Laura Mora
Reviewed: 04/28/2014
Reading this book really helped me figure out what exactly I wanted to do and to follow my dreams. I was able to create a business plan I can later use when I want to open up my own business. It was really inspiring to me, and I would definitely recommend this book!
5 / 5 stars
Dear Mr. A – Letters revealing the secrets of an entrepreneur
~ Wasay
Reviewed: 05/05/2014
I was a little skeptical at first of what knowledge I could get from a $10 book. Surprisingly it was quite a page turner. It’s short but if you follow the “Sage Advice” given in the book, you’ll see that you can actually create a plan to bring any business to life. It definitely provides a good outline to get entrepreneurs headed in the right direction.
5 / 5 stars


Dear Mr. A – Letters revealing the secrets of an entrepreneur
~ Jason P.
Reviewed: 08/03/2014
I am an entrepreneur and fortunately, in spite of my lack of wisdom, have been very successful. But, oh how I wish I’d had a sage in my life to help me along the way! This book would have helped me so much over the last 15 years. I know it will help me grow as a small business owner to become even more successful…
5 / 5 stars


George Black, Author of strategic planning book: Dear Mr. A.

George Black

For almost 25 years George Black has been engineering companies to achieve their Next Level by leading with his financial skills, strategic acumen, and people insights through his company, Intigro.

Now, he has distilled his experience and secrets into a series of methodologies for any entrepreneur or business owner to apply to their company in his book:  Dear Mr. A ~ letters revealing the secrets of an entrepreneur, which includes his highly, effective strategic process called The Next Level Navigator.

Most notably, he applied The Next Level Navigator to Rackspace (NYSE: RAX), the #1 managed cloud company, where he helped guide the corporate strategy for almost 4 years as the company grew from $100m in revenue to $500m.

George continues to work with entrepreneurs and their companies.

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