Live Business Building Sessions
with George Black!
It’s easy. Contact Us to book a session now, or keep reading for more details.
These sessions focus on exactly what you, the entrepreneur, need right now!
Since 1992, George Black has been doing Business Building Sessions to help entrepreneurs, business owners, and leadership teams. In the past, these sessions were only available to companies who have engaged Intigro on a monthly basis.
Now, Intigro is offering Business Building Sessions to help any entrepreneur.
You can have as few or as many sessions as you like without any monthly engagement.
How do the sessions work?
The most cost and time effective session is through video conferencing.
Single sessions are 50 minutes.
Double sessions are 110 minutes (includes a stretch break).
As an added value: we will send you a recording of the session, so it’s easier for you to focus during the session and make notes later.
We’ve been asked, “Do you offer “in person” Business Building Session(s)?”. The answer is that ‘it depends’, please contact us by email and explain what you would like. Please know that travel costs and time may apply.
Why are sessions only 50 minutes?
Most entrepreneurs are high on creative thinking and low on time! During the typical business day, everyone wants a piece of them, so they live in a world of distractions.
Based on our experience, we know that if we can get 100% of the entrepreneur’s focus for about 45 minutes, much can be accomplished. (We do offer double sessions for those who would like to go longer.)
These sessions are high focus and high energy. Every app, every phone, every distraction MUST be turned off, if you expect to maximize the time. Please know the session will end 50 minutes after it starts, regardless of any interruptions.
Typically, the last 10 minutes are the most important, because we draw conclusions and Next Step actions. We finish strong!
What is covered?
You set the topic and the agenda! It could be:
- A burning issue, i.e. something urgent to solve,
- A barrier with which you and your company have been struggling to break through,
- A better understanding of the backend of your business
- A decision for which you, the entrepreneur need some seasoned business advice
(See the sidebar for a fraction of the topics George has delved into with clients.)
What’s the format of a session?
After a quick introduction,
- George will ask for more details about the issue from the entrepreneur’s business, often with specific questions from his session prep.
- The bulk of the session will be interactive capitalizing on George’s experience and wisdom to create movement and breakthrough.
- Typically, the last 10 minutes are devoted to Next Steps for the entrepreneur to gain real results from the session.
What sort of topics or issues are best suited for George?
George has a breadth of experience across a variety of industries and a range of companies. He knows how business operates!
Over the years, he has come alongside numerous companies to grow them from the inside out. So, the best topics for George center around the business side of your business.
George’s foundational business strength is anything financial. He knows that for a business to succeed it must generate profits, so that’s always operative with him. Thus, he has a great track record as an Outsource CFO of increasing profits for companies.
George is a business generalist meaning that he thinks strategically and creatively. However, he “speaks the language” of numerous specialists: banking, accounting, tax, legal, investor, technology, internet, etc.
Finally, George is results oriented. While, he sees the big picture, he has an uncanny ability to dive down into the details. He has a knack for taking the complex and simplifying it. All to drive concepts to actionable actions that will produce real results.
See the sidebar for a few of the topics George has addressed over the years.
What can I expect coming out of a session?
Since, George is solution oriented he wants to quickly understand your need, and spend most of the session working out various solution sets to help entrepreneurs achieve their breakthrough.
Regardless, of the complexity of the issue our hope is that every session ends with the entrepreneur taking away some “Next Steps” on which to move forward.
If this is your first session, we suggest you only sign up for a single or double session. Typically, it will become obvious to all if one session is enough or if followup sessions would be a good investment.
How do I get the most out of session?
Select a session date and time when you can be at your best and uninterrupted.
Really think your issue through and supply us with a well written description that leads us to the heart of the matter. George preps for every entrepreneur building session, so this description is important including the links to your company’s website, LinkedIn profile, Facebook, etc.
Write down any questions or thoughts about the issue that you want to ensure are covered during the session. Be prepared to give a short overview of your need that expands on your written description.
Finally, shut down everything that you are doing 15 minutes prior to the session. You need to shift your brain. So, walk around, take a break, get something to drink, etc.
Log into the link we provide. Check your technology and make sure everything is working. We recommend a headset to hear clearly.
Finally, settle in, have any notes or references materials organized to begin the call.
Can my team be on the call?
Absolutely! But…
It can slow the session down, having to listen to others. What typically works best is for them to listen in to you and George, and then you meet with your team afterwards.
Also, you should be aware that if there are sensitive areas that you don’t want your team to hear, then it would be best to not include them.
Please let us know in advance with their name, title and working relation to you; and an email if you want us to send them an invite..
Are followup questions, possible after the session is completed?
Unfortunately, no. That is why we encourage you to be as prepared as possible. However, it’s easy to always book another sessions, if you believe it is worth the investment.
However, we do send you a video of the building session afterwards for your review.
So, how about you? What’s your issue or your company’s issue that you need help getting through.