Is a day long workshop for Entrepreneurs

And, their key leaders to establish their Next Level Navigator with strategies to achieve it.

Imagine tapping into a room full of entrepreneurial energy and ideas for a day!

What to expect?

The day moves through a series of sessions that guide you in developing your Next Level Navigator. Throughout the day you will be able to leverage off the Intigro team and other entrepreneurs who attend. The day concludes with practicing your “elevator speech”, i.e. Navigator overview, as you would present to an investor, employee, etc.

The day is fun, dynamic and full of energy.

TIP: We have discovered that the clearer and more specific a person writes their Navigator, the greater the odds of achievement.

So, periodically during the day you will interact with other entrepreneurs to help each person further refine their Navigator. After all, how powerful would it be if someone whom you have never met can quickly understand your endeavor and its Next Level?

Note: We do our best to screen the participants so that no direct competitors attend the same Intensive.

Who should attend?

The Dear Mr. A Intensive is designed for those who desire to develop their Next Level and strategize how they will achieve it. The Intensive will benefit:

  • Individuals starting an entrepreneurial endeavor.
  • individuals establishing their own personal Next Level.
  • Individuals with ongoing companies.
  • Companies with leadership teams.                                                                                             [We strongly encourage the owner / entrepreneur to bring other key leaders, if you have them. It is much more effective for them to be incorporated into the process of developing The Navigator, since they will be critical in leading the company towards its achievement.]

The Intensive does assume you know your entrepreneurial endeavor. The Next Level Developer helps with identifying and focusing what specific endeavor one may desire to pursue.

The day:

The purpose of the Intensive is to establish The Next Level for your endeavor, the strategies to attain it, and The First Step after leaving the Intensive. The day is designed to draw out of you your best ideas and refine them into a clear and succinct one page document.

As Mr. A is fond of quoting Shakespeare: “Brevity is the sole of wit.”, and that is a guiding principle for the Intensive.

The day begins by doing applications that are similar to the ones Mr. A uses to guide Max in Part 3 of Dear Mr. A to create his Next Level Navigator. Throughout the Intensive there will be opportunities to refine the elements of your Navigator with your team or other entrepreneurs in attendance. The day concludes by preparing and rehearsing a 3 minute verbal overview of your Navigator.


The Next Level Navigator. This may seem obvious, but the emphasis of the Intensive is to leave with The Navigator ready to begin the next day.

Encouragement and inspiration. Many find the process to be highly motivating because they now have a much clearer path to achieving their dreams and they have experienced others doing the same thing throughout the day.

New entrepreneur friends. Meeting and interacting with a few other entrepreneurs at the Intensive can make all the difference when you have others with whom to brainstorm ideas.

HINT: To maximize the value of the day, each participant needs to bring their prep work which will be incorporated into their Navigator.


All the forms and supplies to complete The Next Level Navigator.

Complete access to the Intigro team throughout the day.

A continental breakfast, lunch, and light snacks and beverages.

Please note that all copyrighted and trademark materials remain the property of Intigro, Inc.; however, the resulting Navigator is yours to keep. Any travel or accommodation expenses to and from the event are not included.


up to 3 additional team members may attend for $445.00 per person.


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