Integrated Business Growth

The Success Labs
( An entrepreneur’s blog about experimenting with proven ideas to succeed )

entrepreneurial breakthrough

Entrepreneurial Breakthrough you may have never Dreamt Possible

The word “entrepreneur” sources from the Old French, meaning “to undertake”. And that’s what entrepreneurs do: they undertake. They undertake all kinds of endeavors.

But how?

How do you get yourself to take that first entrepreneurial step?

Or, for those of us who are seasoned entrepreneurs, how do you take that next step when you’ve had a really bad week or month or even year?

First consider the one thing entrepreneurs need to prosper: Freedom!

Entrepreneurs thrive in freedom: free enterprise, freedom of information, freedom of the internet.

But the truest freedom begins first and foremost from within. Every entrepreneur knows that they have to get past their own hang ups, fears, self-absorption, etc. before they ever embark or continue on any entrepreneurial endeavor.

But it’s crazy? 

How do we step out, breakthrough, ignore every rational thought that is screaming at us: “this idea is crazy!”, and go for it anyway.

Well, I have stumbled upon a little trick that works every time I use it. We all get stuck from time to time. So whenever you find yourself pinned down, hesitating, out of gas, needing to breakthrough…

Try this:

I simply pretend that I have one week to live. That’s right, just one week. What if I had just one week to live, would I do ____________?  You fill in that blank!

Your answer will tell you everything you need to know.

It’s amazing how that one little question completely reorganizes everything. All those fears, hangups, hesitations, etc. rearrange and a new question emerges: What about starting now!?!

So, why not:

Take a road, less travelled ~ discover a world:


And find a destination… 

you never expected to go!

Ok, I didn’t write that, it’s from the movie trailer for One Week. Take a look, it’s only 2 minutes.

In the movie the narrator says:

“…What would you do if you knew you only had one day, or one week, or one month to live? What life boat would you grab on to?…  What person would you declare your love to? What wish would you fulfill?… What book would you write? What’s the minimum in life?”

And I would add:

What would you stop doing?                                                                                                                       What gift would you give?  What relationship would you restore?                                                       What pursuit would you chase that God intends just for you?                                                           What would you start doing – right now!?!

Are you beginning to see how my tricky, little question works?

Be inspired.

Allow your heart the freedom to soar. That’s the first step. Trick yourself, and keep asking yourself the question:

What if I just had one week to live, would I do ___(you fill in the blank)___?

At Intigro, we have resources to help you start and continue your entrepreneur journey. We’d love your to hear your comments or speak to you in person. Just sign up for a free business building conversation about anything you’d like to discuss. Use the code “Intro”.

Why not just go for it, TODAY!?!

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Obviously, there are no guarantees of success; however, if you do the above, your chances for success are improved.

If you are considering launching a business or growing your ongoing company, check out Dear Mr. A for creating a strategy around your passions. The Next Level Navigator strategy process is a great crowdfunding tool! Click here to look inside Dear Mr. A.

Why not tell us about how you balance work life? Please do so, either in the comments below or by submitting a guest post to us. We review these posts carefully, and as long as your contribution adds something to the entrepreneurial community we’d be happy to feature it on our site with a link back to yours!

George Black ~ Author, Strategist, and Outsource CFO ~ works alongside entrepreneurs, business owners and leadership teams to help companies increase profits and break through to their Next Level. CREATOR of The Next Level Navigator, George details this highly effective strategic process in his book: DEAR MR. A ~ letters revealing the secrets of an entrepreneur. Now available on Amazon Kindle.

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