Integrated Business Growth

The Success Labs
( An entrepreneur’s blog about experimenting with proven ideas to succeed )


4 Ways To Build Your Business On A Solid Foundation

Prepare Well to have a Great Start for your New Enterprise!

Everyone knows that it’s risky to start building a new business. If you don’t prepare yourself properly, you could lose a considerable amount of money and the potential to throw away your chance at success. Entrepreneurs frequently gain better results when they plan ahead, analyze market conditions and listen to knowledgeable advisors. Be sure to apply these four business tips to build a solid foundation:

1. Develop a strategy with specific goals and detailed plans.

Brainstorm a list of things you hope to accomplish, avoid or minimize. For instance, you might set a goal of selling 1,000 units by December. Your next step is to decide how you’ll achieve this. Consider various advertising techniques and special events or offers that would attract clients. Now step back, and observe your overall strategy and write that down.

2. Understand your market and learn about important competitors.

Discover the attributes that draw customers to each brand. In some industries, prices and quality seldom vary; buyers often choose the most convenient retailer. Other markets involve intense competition based on quality, cost, style or selection. Try to identify a significant advantage that will differentiate your company.

3. Make realistic financial projections regarding sales, expenses, and cash flow.

This will help you plan ahead and attract investors or lenders if necessary. It also provides a way to measure your company’s success. Try to predict when you’ll reach the break-even point. Keep in mind that many new firms take over a year to begin making more money than they spend.

4. Consult with an accomplished business mentor. 

A business mentor will provide encouragement and insightful advice. When you learn from a successful entrepreneur’s experiences, you can avoid serious errors. A few costly mistakes could ruin a promising startup; it’s vital to prevent them whenever possible. A mentor can help you determine if an idea or plan is viable before you take action.

Need some help with all this?

At Intigro, we understand that sometimes there is nothing like talking to a real person who has the expertise you need. Whether it’s financial, strategy, people or operations, we have the business know-how. Check out our Business Building Sessions. It’s a new service we are now offering to help you with that burning issue you may have.

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Obviously, there are no guarantees of success; however, if you do the above, your chances for success are improved.

If you are considering launching a business or growing your ongoing company, check out Dear Mr. A for creating a strategy around your passions. The Next Level Navigator strategy process is a great crowdfunding tool! Click here to look inside Dear Mr. A.

Why not tell us about how your coaching and mentoring relationships have affected your business? Please do so, either in the comments below or by submitting a guest post to us. We review these posts carefully, and as long as your contribution adds something to the entrepreneurial community we’d be happy to feature it on our site with a link back to yours!

George Black ~ Author, Strategist, and Outsource CFO ~ works alongside entrepreneurs, business owners and leadership teams to help companies increase profits and break through to their Next Level. CREATOR of The Next Level Navigator, George details this highly effective strategic process in his book: DEAR MR. A ~ letters revealing the secrets of an entrepreneur. Now available on Amazon Kindle.

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