Integrated Business Growth

The Success Labs
( An entrepreneur’s blog about experimenting with proven ideas to succeed )

Types of CRM Software to Choose for your Business

Customer Relationship Management software (CRM) is software with different applications that are designed to meet businesses’ customer interaction, customer data, monitor sales and marketing needs and also manage their human resources.

By using a CRM, a business may be able to streamline operations, seal loss of revenue loopholes, access customer feedback and also view available business opportunities. This is made possible through the availability of data at a centralized point.

There are different types of CRM software out there. Some cut across different industries while others have been designed for the demands of specific sectors and the needs. There are several benefits of using an industry-specific CRM over the generally based ones.

Some of the CRM software in the market include point of sales software, salon software, real estate, building and construction management software and a host of other industries.

industry specific CRM's

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Reasons for Integrating CRM Software into your Business

A CRM software helps a business stay organized. Since there is so much information to be accessed and organized, a CRM software keeps track of all that information in one central database. A management software also helps predict future business trends and analyze areas such as sales, profits and loss. Customer management is also another reason why you need to invest in management software. It helps you keep track of return clients and also manage deliveries in various locations. A management software shields you from unexpected data loss. Data is a very important part of any business operation.

The choices are endless when it comes to choosing a CRM. There are hundreds of companies that produce management software every day which makes it difficult to make a choice when choosing a management software. Different industries have different needs. This makes it necessary to have industry standard CRM software for your business. Although the universal or general based CRMs can be customized, there are certain features that can only be found in industry specific management software.

Benefits of Industry Specific CRM Software:

Integrates Seamlessly into Your Business

Specific salon software like Phorest comes with features that will enable a salon owner or manager to maintain employee records such as shifts, sick leaves and off days. With such information, he or she will be able to schedule client appointments having accurate data on the staff members that are available at specific times.

The ease with which industry specific management software integrates into your business increases your efficiency. For example, people who work in the home improvement industry will need management software that can enable them to create proposals and sign contracts.  Thus, they do now waste time adapting a general CRM software to their needs.

Easy to Use

Since an industry specific CRM is designed for a specific industry, it is easy for the business owner and the workers to integrate easily into the technology. It will be intuitive to operate since the terms and systems used were designed by someone who had an inside knowledge of the specific industry.

Since the learning curve is quite short, employees at all levels will be more comfortable using and applying the software in the business instead of wasting time trying to learn and adapt the general based CRM software. A CRM software such as Efficio built for the procurement industry comes with the specific terminology used in the sector and is focussed on improving sales.

Achieves More Results in The Long-Term

An industry-specific CRM is the most effective choice for any industry. Moreover, most suppliers of these industry-specific management software are either in the specific industry or they are former employees of those industries. With such inside knowledge and experience, it makes using the CRM much easier and more productive tactically and strategically. The designer knows what challenges the user is likely to face and such problems are minimized which adds to more efficiency. This means that less time is spent dealing with customization, and more time for  operating the business.

CRM saves time and money

Saves On End-User and Operational Costs

Since the product is already designed with industry specifications, the end-user should not incur any additional costs. The product manufacturer has already integrated all the required modules meant for a specific business.

For example, a business owner in the real estate industry will require a CRM software that has features that incorporate property values, sales and rates. So, a CRM software like Erply which is primarily a point of sale software for retail operations would not work for real estate. Erply helps in managing payroll, back office operations, employees and suppliers. With such a huge number of tasks to be managed, it is best to use an industry specific CRM since customization will incur extra costs.

Advantages of Investing in CRM software

Some advantages include: customer management, data management, managing sales, predicting future trends and overall simplification of operating a business. Since there are numerous CRM software packages choosing an industry-specific CRM software or a general / universal software depends on numerous factors.

Regardless, there are several benefits of choosing an industry-specific CRM over a general one: minimal operation costs, saving time, increasing efficiency, better business results and above all it is easy to integrate because the designer had the business in mind.

Finally, your current situation may also impact the decision. If you are a start-up with few customers then a more generic and cheaper choice may be best for now. If you are an established business, then integrating a more industry specific CRM may better streamline your operation providing more actionable data and greater opportunities.


Author Bio.

Alex Morgan – Currently re-studying in Dublin, Alex is a career writer, by choice! Versed in a number of subjects he mainly specializes in tech, education, health and fitness and gaming; of the video variety. He posts on a number of blogs and websites and harbors desires to begin a great novel, but struggles creating character names – Look for the epic fantasy “Tom the Barbarian” on shelves soon.

He can often be found on twitter under the handle @Al_Exical. He finds it comforting to talk about himself in the third person.


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