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Content marketing tips and organic rankings and search engine results

Content Syndication’s Valuable Strategy for Organic Search Results

While many refuse to openly acknowledge the need for content syndication, some businesses leverage on the advantages of content syndication as an invaluable strategy in maintaining visibility in search engine results pages.

Because everyone is into digital marketing, the web is oftentimes inundated with content that is strikingly similar to others. There is a very strong possibility that your web content is not the original version. While it may be the original, because there are simply a lot like it, there is no way to determine which is original and which is not. Unless, of course, you syndicate it. Syndicating your content is an essential requirement for staying well ahead of the pack as far as Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) and growing your business online are concerned.

Content syndication allows a particular business to take full credit of a particular content. Here, you take the content that you already published in your website and you give permission to other websites to post the same content, in whole or in part, in their respective sites. Syndication gets you invaluable exposure to the audience of another website. However, it is important to syndicate your content to sites that have a target audience that is highly relevant to your own business.

Additionally, content syndication to more established and more credible websites, particularly those that already rank high in SERPs, will greatly enhance your business’ exposure to the audience of these reputable websites.

Syndication Strategy

How do you strategize on your content syndication? There are four ways to effectively and safely syndicate your content in order to maximize SERP rankings.

  1. First is to get the publisher to place ‘re=canonical’ tag on the webpage where your article is to be posted.
  2. Second is to ask the publisher to make their copy NoIndex.
  3. Third is a direct attribution link which you should only resort to if the website you are going to syndicate to will not agree to the first two.
  4. The fourth one should be the last resort. This is often in situations where the website you want to syndicate to does not want to do any of the first three. So, just pretend that your article is the duplicate and theirs is the original.

About The Author:
Sheldon Michael the founder of NetJumps International, a platform to help business owners reach digital customers. Sheldon has an engineering background in cloud-based programs. He spends a lot of time speaking and engaging on the streets of Los Angeles, New York, Chicago in some of the toughest neighborhoods in the United States. Sheldon frequently speaks about what he learned from his experience and is currently helping others potentially recognize buried talent and character.

Leading the Industry in Drug Treatment and Elder Care Facility Marketing for 6 years Netjumps International Focuses in all Elements from skill transfer, call tracking metrics, sales force integration, web design, digital SEO as well as full print and video design with a flair. No crumbs left on the table we have helped centers go from 1 location to 4 in 3 years without the pains of YTD losses. We are in the space and plan on staying with a team of PHD’s and a full service content syndication platform its safe to say that we have you covered.

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