Integrated Business Growth

The Success Labs
( An entrepreneur’s blog about experimenting with proven ideas to succeed )

5 ways to make your website more efficient

Start your Website on the Right Track

If you just launched your small business website, congratulations. It’s an exciting time; you’ll be able to reach customers throughout your neighborhood and across the globe.

Now, to ensure that your site will entice as many consumers as possible, try taking the following steps.

1. Use Google Analytics

Google Analytics, which is simple to use, lets you track what visitors do on your site. That is, this program will tell you which of your pages are the most popular and hold people’s attention the longest. That way, you can emphasize the features that seem to be the most appealing and either enhance or do away with elements that don’t generate much interest.

2. Rely on Google Search Console

Google Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) allows you to build and manage your website however you’d like, and you won’t need a computer background to do so. What’s more, this free service will help you find all of the websites that have posted links to your site. You can then contact those companies and perhaps forge business partnerships with some of them. Further, with Webmaster Tools, you can submit your sitemap to Google so that all of your pages become searchable.

You can also learn which keyword searches most often lead people to your website. That way, you can emphasize those terms and insert them into most of your articles and pages.

3. Optimize Your Content

You want to be certain that your videos and text are useful to your visitors. Therefore, create title tags and meta descriptions to help people understand what each page is about. Consequently, they won’t waste time on topics that don’t pertain to them.

In addition, verify that all of your pictures and videos are compelling and fun to look at, and describe them briefly and accurately so that search engines can locate them. On top of that, if you create a YouTube channel for your business and post all of your videos there as well, it can lead more people to your site.

It’s likewise helpful to place a value proposition (VP) at the top of your homepage. A VP is a crisp sentence that explains to your potential customers why your company and website can be valuable to them.

4. Improve the User Experience

Whenever you’re designing or looking at your website, try to imagine it from the point of view of a first-time visitor, and do whatever you can to make that person’s experience more enjoyable. Confirm that your homepage provides a clear overview of your entire site. Feature an uncomplicated navigation menu, and make your search bars stand out. Also, be sure that mobile users can view every part of your site.

5. Include Calls to Action

Finally, on each of your site’s pages, you should encourage people to take specific actions. Ask them to email you, call you, sign up for alerts or newsletters, follow your social media pages, or visit your physical store if you have one. You might persuade them to do so by offering special discounts or small prizes. In the end, your main goal is to maximize people’s engagement with you and eventually turn them into loyal customers.

Check out our other post: “5 Secrets to marketing your business online

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